Take control of your life in 90 days before it controls you
You are constantly battling mental chaos & struggling to live a happy life!
Your life is more complex than some
courses or handbooks.
Dealing with a lot of mental chaos and struggling to balance your life can be super tough. It feels like being trapped in a whirlwind that never stops.
You’re always feeling stressed and worried, making it hard to find peace. The things you used to enjoy don’t seem fun anymore. You feel sad, tired, and hopeless all the time. It’s really hard to concentrate and get things done, which makes you frustrated.
You feel confused and unsure about making decisions. You’re afraid of making mistakes and it’s really scary. This chaos doesn’t just affect your mind, but your body too. You might have headaches, muscle pains, and feel sick because of all the stress.
90 days of chaos management personalized program just for you
With my guidance, you’ll be able to master your emotions, neutralize old triggers, & remove the blocks holding you back.
You’ll gain confidence in yourself, make choices aligned with your values, & achieve goals that align with your heart.
Not just that you’ll learn conscious tools to communicate with your body and understand how & why it reacts, giving you the power to take control of your life.
Hi, I’m Linda Orr Easthouse
I’m a founder of East House Natural Health & author of the best-seller “Pushing the Reset Button” – the busy professional’s guide to a healthy lifestyle you will love.
I’m a Natural Health specialist for over 15 years & is a recognized Advanced Specialist in Natural Bioenergetics, As well as a Radionics Master for the past 10 years as well as practice Matrix Energies.
I use energetic approaches to restore the body, mind, and spirit as well as assists people in taking control of their stresses, establishing healthy patterns, and gaining control over their life. I’ve helped many athletes, executives, and business owners to optimize their performance and outcomes.
I optimize the person’s energy flow to enhance function & performance whether it is health, business, or sports.
Watch the video to Learn more about My Approach!
What’s included in the program!
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Free Bonus ->
The Clear, Clean & Boost program
This free bonus is like a daily shower & scrubs down for your energy field, with a new program each week. Come out sparkling and then get a follow-up broadcast with a power booster to give you clarity & strength.
Each week, carefully selected energy patterns are aimed at each participant like background music to soothe the jangled energy of life. This energetic program will clean off the garbage picked up from negative people around you.
I work with the energy of the situation that is triggering the stress response to give you the tools to turn off the fight/flight/freeze
/fawn responses so that your other tools will work again. It is that stress response that causes the regression.